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Do you have what it takes to run the Beirut Marathon this year? Of course you do! Fit’n Style Magazine asked May Khalil, Founder of Beirut Marathon Association, to offer us her top 10 reasons to run a marathon, and this is what she said. No doubt you will be tying up your shoelaces by the very end…

Reason #1: To Become a #peacerunner. Why not run for all the good things Lebanon stands for, for a change? Choose to run for togetherness, stability, and for a renewed sense of hope in the future. This unbeatable reason brought 37,153 runners on the streets in 2014.

Reason #2: To benefit the NGOS and find causes we believe in and pledge for. By running for an NGO, 25% of the registration fee goes straight to benefit the work that the charity does. You can help more by asking your friends and families to donate while you run the distance.

Reason #3: For health. Running is the best sport to keep you healthy, fit, and sickness free.

Reason #4: For safety and well-being. For this one day, all of Beirut and beyond is safely closed for you to run in a non-polluted, happy environment with cheerers, music, joy, and a medal at the end.

Reason #5: For the Silver. Beirut Marathon works very hard to provide an IAAF silver label-accredited race for you. The BDL BM is one out of 27 rated silvers amongst 800 races that take place every year around the world. Run a world class Marathon in Beirut! You owe it to yourself.

Reason #6: For the training. Running a distance of 42.195Km is not about the day of the race, but about the intensive weeks of training leading up to that day. Training dictates commitment, perseverance, and discipline. If one is not trained well for a marathon, he is prone to serious injuries that can last a lifetime.

Reason #7: For the carbs. Regular diets advise little to no carb intake, but when training for a marathon, carbs found in pasta are a must to fuel the long runs. Marathons are the perfect excuse to put the regular diet aside and shoot for something that works best for the body.

Reason #8: For social media. Our newsfeed is becoming jammed with the same kinds of posts. The online network seems to be sharing the same news, same videos, and same comments. By committing to train for a marathon, one adds an exciting element to his Facebook, Instagram, and twitter posts. Be it about the donations raised for the cause, the kilometers logged, the people met on the run, the team spirit, the scenery, or the moments of “can’t ” meeting the moments of “can,” the journey to 42Km is one filled with excitement and is a true test to one’s inner strength and physical capacity. This brings a renewed faith in our capacities as humans and what we are capable to achieve if we set our minds to it.

Reason #9: For all the possibilities. Completing a distance of 42.195Km marks a new beginning to the runner, no matter how old he/she is. From there, it’s about the next journey, bettering one’s best, running a marathon in another country, or shooting for an ultramarathon. Once a marathoner, always a marathoner, and being a marathoner means you have amazing qualities such as tolerance, understanding, patience, acceptance, commitment, and going the distance when others are not willing to take one step forward.

Reason #10: For life. Running a marathon is like subscribing to a course about life. A marathon is not a sprint, it is filled with ups and downs, and it teaches one about himself, his community, and his country. A marathoner sees life in a different way, in a better way. A marathon is a combination of exercising the mind, the body, and the soul. Everything you will learn about life can be summed up by training and running a marathon.


Kristine Boujaoude Editorial Manager


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